Elution® Software Release
Elution® Software Release | Picture credits: ELABO GmbH

Elution® Software Release

MQTT, OPC UA, Fluke precision multimeter and much more in this new release

The latest Elution® software release now provides even more possibilities for your production or training through extended standards and additional devices.

NEW: MQTT and OPC UA, Fluke precision multimeter, Ceta leak meter and Burster Resistomat.
An overview of all devices with Elution® connection can be found here.

MQTT or Message Queuing Telemetry Transport is an open messaging protocol designed for constrained devices and networks with high latency or low bandwidth. It has become the standard protocol for IOT or machine-to-machine communication of devices and applications. The integration of MQTT in the new software release opens up completely new possibilities. In the future, MQTT-enabled devices will be able to communicate directly with the Elution® software and several Elution® instances will be able to communicate with each other. MQTT is also the basis for the Observer of the Elution® software, which can be used to centrally monitor different software instances.

Get an insight into the Elution® software and MQTT here:
MQTT in the sequenzer of the Elution® software>>>

An additional enhancement is the integration of OPC UA or Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture - an open standard for horizontal machine-to-machine communication as well as for vertical machine-to-cloud communication. In the Elution® software, ELABO now provides an OPC UA client or server. The OPC UA Server functionality enables the easy access to production data, which can act as an interface to other systems or to higher-level enterprise software. The OPC UA Client can be used for direct Elution® networking with integrated OPC UA Server as well as in network architectures with existing third-party solutions.

Get an insight into the Elution® software and OPC UA here:
OPC UA in the sequenzer of the Elution® software>>>
OPC UA controlpanel in the Elution® software>>>

Test the comprehensive possibilities of the Elution® software in a full version for two months free of charge and without obligation. Here you can find our contact form to request the demo software.

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